Internet Banking: Benefits, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Internet technology is now used in all lines to get convenience, including in the world of banking. Internet banking, also known as e-banking, is an internet-based banking service so that customers do not need to go to the bank. The reason is, this service can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Then, what are the benefits and advantages, and what are the disadvantages?

Benefits of internet banking services

The benefit of this internet banking service is of course to carry out various types of transactions online, except for cash withdrawal transactions. Here are various transactions that you can do.

1. Non-cash money transfers

Some of the disadvantages of transferring money at an ATM machine are that you have to spend more effort, starting from going to the nearest ATM machine to lining up with other customers which will take time and effort.

By making transfers online, you only need a few seconds to do it in front of the gadget screen. Especially for those of you who often shop online, you will be facilitated with this service at the time of payment.

2. Check balances and account mutations

This benefit will be greatly felt by customers who are involved in transactions every day, for example someone who has an online shop business. To avoid fraud, checking mutations is something that must be done, especially after a party claims to have transferred some money.

3. Reach out to some important information

In addition to finding out information on balances and mutations, internet banking services also contain information on credit card bills, information on exchange rates or currency trading rates, and about information about new programs launched by banks. This will help keep you up to date with important information.

4. Pay routine bills

You can also pay for routine bills, such as telephone bills, electricity water, pay TV, education fees to top up electric pulses. Everything can be done by simply accessing one service.

Service advantages

For the bank, internet banking services provide distinct advantages. This is because customers can carry out transactions independently so that this will save on bank operational costs. Not only benefiting one party, this service also provides many benefits to customers.

The advantages that you will get include services that are free, more practical, more efficient, and save energy and time.

Lack of service

Even though it has various benefits and advantages, it does not mean that this service does not have drawbacks. Here are some drawbacks that you should know.

1. Unreachable in certain areas

Because it is internet-based, to be able to access this service, of course, you need a strong connection. Meanwhile, in Indonesia itself there are still many remote areas that have not been reached by internet signals. Automatically, this service cannot be accessed in that area.

2. The potential for data theft

Cyber crime is the theft of data by hackers that occur on the internet. You have to be careful every time you access the internet and banking services. For the sake of security, as a customer, follow the procedures that apply. The bank must also oversee this information technology.

Even though online banking security continues to be improved, the possibility of cyber crime still exists. It’s best to use a personal data plan and avoid using public Wi-Fi networks to prevent unauthorized access.

3. The potential for online fraud

The most common scam encountered online is fake gift offers. To avoid this, if you get a call or SMS telling you that you won a lottery that doesn’t make sense, don’t believe it right away because it’s most likely a scam.

4. Prone to viruses

Viruses can attack the gadgets that you use when using an unsafe internet connection. To avoid this, it is better to use a private internet connection. Also, make sure you have installed antivirus software on the device you are going to use.

After understanding what internet banking is and its benefits, are you interested in signing up for this service? If you intend to use it, stay careful by anticipating crime on the internet through the methods previously mentioned.